Fine Art Scanning
Would you trust your original fine art to be displayed in the open? Fine art scanning is the answer for you. Arrow Photo can scan your original fine art and make and exact duplicate of it. The process starts with one of our skilled technicians photographing your fine art in our studio under perfect lighting conditions.
That image is then digitally edited to ensure the final print is an exact duplicate. At this point the image is proofed, allowing you to comment on the quality, color and contrast. We allow one proof. Additional proofs or test prints are $10 each. A master file remains untouched with the original image intact. This provides maximum flexibility for future reprints.
Once this portion of the process is complete, the master files is stored in our print shop for easy retrieval for future prints. We also provide you with a CD or DVD that contains the master file, a low-resolution version and a high-resolution version of the final image.
Once the proofs are approved, our skillful technicians will print a final copy of your fine art. The paper that your reproduction will be printed on is of the highest quality. Our fine art paper is acid free paper with a cold pressed, thick textured surface. You can also choose to have the image printed on canvas. Please talk to use about all of the available mediums we can print onto.
The inks we use are archival inks, As a result, the ink will provide lasting results that are permanent on the paper it is printed onto. We use only genuine Epson’s inks and archival materials from Frederics, Hahnemuhle, Epson and Breathing color.
The image will be printed to the size you specify up to 62 inches. Please ask any of our skilled technicians to assist you with that.