Film Scanning
We offer professional film scanning service providing high resolution film, slides and printed photo scanning at very competitive prices. Our service includes negative scanning and slide scanning from 35mm up through 4×5 inches, as well as printed photo scanning. All of our scanning is done on-site in our facility in Santa Maria.
We understand the value placed on your precious memories. As a result, we take extra steps to ensure that your original negatives, slides and prints are treated with the utmost care throughout the process. Because of this, you will receive your film, slides and printed photos back in the exact same condition you gave them to us in. We use only state of the art Noritsu and Nikon Coolscan 5000ED scanners. In addition, each machine is equipped with Digital ICE (for spot and scratch removal). Most noteworthy is the ability of each machine to correct and restore color to the image as well as reduce noise and film grain. Furthermore, these dedicated slide scanners provide a much higher level of image quality as well as higher resolutions. In essence, they deliver the best digital image files.
Sound incredible? It is. Bring your photos, films and slides to Arrow Photo for cutting edge quality and service.